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Passing Law
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Our Proof-of-Work 

We believe that Bitcoin and Bitcoin mining have the potential to positively impact our environment, our grid, our economy, and society as a whole. 

We work with lawmakers and regulators as well as the general public to ensure that Bitcoin is adopted so all Americans have the opportunity to benefit from this technology. 

We have been passing Bitcoin policy into law...

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Our policy has been passed into law in 4 states including: Montana, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma.
Our policies protect the 'Right to Mine' and key 'Bitcoin Rights' such as self-custody and peer-to-peer transactions. 

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building relationships and community...

...moving whole states towards Bitcoin

Satoshi Action Fund CEO was asked to present on the "Benefits of Bitcoin Mining" to the Governor's Crypto Commission in the state of New Hampshire. In their final report, Dennis Porter and Satoshi Action Fund were noticed as contributors to their findings. 

New Hampshire ultimately concluded that Bitcoin mining is helpful for them to achieve their energy goals and the commission directed the state to "conduct a public review of how bitcoin mining operations might be integrated into a statewide energy plan."

Read the full report here.

...fighting back against bad policy

Satoshi Action co-organized a rally with the Texas Blockchain Council and the Digital Chamber to fight back against SB1751 which was designed to restrict Bitcoin mining in the state of Texas.


...defeating anti-Bitcoin policy

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Satoshi Action was deeply involved in the effort to kill the "anti-Bitcoin mining" bill in Texas (SB 1751). 

This bill would have significantly limited the ability for miners to participate in balancing the grid and stripped away incentives for miners to create rural jobs. 

You can read our full joint statement alongside the TBC and Digital Chamber here

...building tools for advocates


Our one pager lays out over a dozen specific benefits of Bitcoin mining including benefits for the grid, the economy, and the environment. We also have a detailed presentation on the benefits of Bitcoin mining. If you would like to have us present to your local government, please reach out to us here.

If you would like a full PDF file of the one pager please email us here.

...building resources for policymakers

This guide was built to educate and guide legislators on Bitcoin and Bitcoin mining. It also includes state level policy solutions for lawmakers to attract miners to their states. You can view the whole guide here.

You can also contact us for a full copy. 

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...and submitting comments on policy

Satoshi Action has responded to the request for policy input by Senator Wyden & Senator Crap. 

The Senators requested comments on the taxation of digital assets. We focused our comments on the unfair taxation of Bitcoin mining rewards.

Six mining operations in the USA co-signed the comments alongside us.


Read the full comments by clicking here.

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State Reports
Killing Anti-Minng
Leg Resouce
In The Press
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Want To Learn More About Satoshi Action Fund?

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